Services - Kart Service
With TIMING TECHNOLOGIESTM INDIA Services, you can benefit from additional support for your event or facility. Our dedicated service and support team will provide you with professional advice for both the installation and operation of your systems.
- Event Timing Services
- Event Registration
- Event Tracking
- Online Result
- SMS Services
- Social Network
- Mobile App Software
For Kart service events, Timing TechnologiesTM offers a full event timing service using our own Timing TechnologiesTM Run Timing System.
Many event organizers use our timing service including the IAAF gold lable events, AIIMS events and many more.
What we do
Depending on the requirements of your running event, we can provide the following services:
Prior to the event
- Register participants
- Prepare entry lists for event timing
During the event
- Setup the system infrastructure and timing points
- Coordinate logistics to distribute timing chips to participants
- Timekeeping during the race
- Timekeeping during the race
- Process results
- Distribute results
After the event
- Deliver results to event organizer
- Coordinate logistics to retrieve the chips from the participants
- Disassemble the timing system
Dedicated Team
Our Timing TechnologiesTM Event Timing Services Team is made up of dedicated professional timekeepers who can ensure the smooth operation of your event.
For Events, Timing TechnologiesTM offers a complete Registration service.
What we do
Depending on the requirements of your event, we can provide the following services:
Online Registration
- Design the Registration form
- Register participants
- Prepare entry lists for event timing
- Prepare and finalise database
Offline Registration
- Design the Registration form
- Register participants
- Conversion to Online
- Prepare entry lists for event timing
- Prepare and finalise database
Dedicated Team
Our Timing TechnologiesTM Event Timing Services Team is made up of dedicated professional timekeepers who can ensure the smooth operation of your event.
For Events, Timing TechnologiesTM offers a complete Tracking service
What we do
Depending on the requirements of your event, we can provide the following services:
Online Tracking
- One can track a participant online along the route
- Register participants
- Prepare entry lists for event timing
- Prepare and finalise database
Offline Details
- Post event, one can get more information of a participant along the route
- Special Apps and website for the particpants
Timing TechnologiesTM Online Results is a free service that allows you to publish results on
Free Unlimited Access
This service allows athletes to view and analyze their results. They can also share their results with others, including friends, family and team members. Athletes can easily create a free account to gain unlimited access to all of their results.
What we do
Depending on the requirements of your event, we can provide the following services:
SMS Tracking
- Track a participant as and when he crosses specified points along the route
- Know your timing by SMS after the event
What we do
- Live SMS of Timing of the participants whose data has been captured at all check points and have completed the event.
- Update of runners’ participation and status on FACEBOOK
What we do
- The steady increase in number of Smartphone users with each passing day has made it imperative for every event to have a Mobile App. No organiser can now ignore the increasing trend of feature-rich mobile applications that are developed day-in and day-out across Android and iOS platforms.
- We now offer event specific mobile apps for organisers to help runners find event related information and results at their fingertips.